Friday, April 24, 2015

Animation Outtakes

My teammates are Lester, Celeste and Loren and they are all very interesting people. Lester was born in Messina, Italy and he loves to play tennis. Loren has a twin brother called Hershel, and they both used to live in Brooklyn, New York. Celeste is a part of a band and likes to dye her hair regularly. These are all my teammates and they are truly awesome.

Stop motion animation is an art of taking a series of pictures to make inanimate objects come to life. With stop motion you can make your character do creative things such spin instead of walking and thing like people teleporting. The main point of stop motion is to make people do things they normally would've had trouble doing and make it become easier. GIF's are animations or video that are on a infinite loop. GIF's are mostly used when something on camera is caught and is funny or cool they will keep looping it to make it so you don't have to keep replaying it yourself.

Our story is about this girl named Celeste who gets rejected by her friends and she gets upset. So she 
goes on the internet and finds this girl about the same age as her. They soon become friends and Celeste tells Loren her problems. Loren then gives Celeste advice in her problems. Finally Celeste talks to her friends to fix things. You should care because we all have internet friends and that is no different then a friend at your school or in your neighborhood.

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