Friday, January 30, 2015

HDR Photography

HDR photography is a way to make images of amazing things, way more amazing and saturated in color. You basically take about 7 different picture at different exposure settings and then merge them together in Photoshop. This will make the dark part of the images as well as the bright parts average out and clarify just like our eyes do to make thing very clear. After you merge them you can add and personalize with your own customizations, you can make the image very saturated and vibrant, make the shadows lighter or even make an outer glow. HDR photography is mostly used for amazing landscapes. The thing I like about HDR photography is that it makes the images way more breath taking and outstandingly deep in color and clarity. The only thing I "dislike" is the fact that the images don't look real.

The first thing you do is take 7 pictures in different exposures ranging from darkest to brightest of the same shot. Then you upload those images to your files on your computer and open up Photoshop to upload. After you get in to Photoshop you have to go to File > Automate > Merge to HDR then a small window will pop up. Then click on the button that says "Browse," and then your finder will pop up and you have to choose your 7 pictures that you took earlier and choose "Open,". After that there is a button that says "Attempt Automate HDR," click on it and then it will start  making the HDR. After it is done there are customizations on the right hand side which you adjust to make your own image that you like but make sure you don't choose anything that says mono or monochrome because if you do it will make everything black and white or one color. After your done customizing you save your file and your done with your HDR image!

One of my landscapes were on the field at my school and the mountains in the background as well as the blue sky with some clouds. The thought process behind that fact that the it's the beautiful part of anything that you got o look at. In my picture there was just a bland field with patches of grass but if you looked higher there was a shade of mountains and artistic clouds covering the blue sky. Then there was one of a harbor which the original picture would have been gloomy but when I turned into a HDR it was way better but to make it even better I added WAY more vibrance and saturation therefore my message was no matter how gloomy there is still many colors everywhere. There is actually another one where I made my friend (Kalani) look like he is in a dream world.


  1. Compliment:The landscape is so surreal
    Criticism:Kalani looks like he is not there
    Compliment:The word fits the person's expression

  2. cool landscape
    not so much surreal
    good portrait

  3. The background it surreal.
    The person looks cut out.
    I like the overall image.

  4. The landscape looks unreal.
    I can tell the character was cut out. Cut out quality was not that good.
    The font is perfect for the image

  5. Great background the clouds look really cool.
    The edges around your portrait make it look fake.
    You chose a good text font and word for your superimpose.

  6. its surreal
    to much drop shadow
    like the font

  7. Experiment is surreal
    He has a "slight" glow around him
    In the rule of thirds.

  8. I like that its in the rule of thirds!
    One thing that could be improved is to make your cut out a little less fake.
    I also like that there is look room!:)

  9. I like the text you have
    It looks fake and too much light on him
    I like the mountain

  10. Word is nice and big.
    Cut out looks incredibly fake.
    Very surreal.

  11. I love your landscape photo.
    In the super impose he doesn't look real.
    Great portrait!

  12. Really beautiful landscape! Your cutout quality couldve been a tad better. Excellent text!

  13. The background is nice.
    Kalani looks kinda fake
    Nice overall product

  14. I like the clouds on your landscape.
    There's something sticking out of kalani's head....
    The picture works well together

  15. Nice pic!
    But he looks kind of fake
    Otherwise nice job
