One goal I will attain in 2016 is getting my grades up because I have been slipping in my grades from the beginning of eight grade. My second goal is to be a better person in general by eating healthier and living healthier and having a good mind. My third goal is to be more involved in clubs and extra curricular activities because it would help me in the future. My fourth goal is to spend time with my family more which I lacked a lot last year and would like to do more this year. My final and fifth goal is to be more proactive because I am a major procrastinator and it is affecting my grades.
Getting my grades up is my priority at the moment because I had been going down in grades since the beginning of eighth grade. Grades are a BIG deal to me and my family so it is important for me to get as much A's as possible because even two B's are a big deal. Lately I've been getting more and more B's so I need to start being more proactive if I want to stay in the A and B range. The grade problem also ties in greatly with my procrastination and thats why I need to fix that problem first. If I get that problem out of the way then I could stop stressing at the end of the quarter.
My first step is probably do my homework the day that it's given instead of doing it all at the end of the quarter. My second step is probably to focus more in class and stop talking to my friends because I could miss important information. I think that I also have to do is write in my planner more which will help me get better grades by helping me remember my homework.
My first step is probably do my homework the day that it's given instead of doing it all at the end of the quarter. My second step is probably to focus more in class and stop talking to my friends because I could miss important information. I think that I also have to do is write in my planner more which will help me get better grades by helping me remember my homework.