My story was about my sister was the only science fair contestant from her school. Her science fair project was about testing streams around Kauai for a pesticide called Atrazine used on plantations on Kauai. She first got the idea of this project when she heard Atrazine was found in school water on the west side of the island. Her story was also about the hard work she had to go through to achieve her goals. The contributors to this project were Lester Garcia Steven Villanueva, Ritikaa Kumar, and Ritikaa's science fair teacher Nicole McKamey.
The final grade of our project was a B. The rough cut grade for me was an A. It looked like I dropped by one grade, this was actually a disappointment for me since I think I deserved at least a low A for what I did. It wasn't a huge disappointment because I still was proud of my grade it wasn't too bad. I think next time I should include all the things he said I had to fix because this time he said I was missing some things.
My critique results were reasonable at the most part. Someone put that are team deserved a one but I honestly don't think that we deserved that because we either got a 3 or 4 but not a 1 or 2. We got mostly 3's so i'm happy I think we had some hard struggles, like finding a third interviewer but other than the struggles this project was rather exciting. I think me and my team did a great job and in my opinion I would put myself in second place in the class. This was a great project and i'm glad it did it.